Moral outrage has ensued after it was suggested that NFL commissioner Roger Goodell might levy a six-game suspension on Michael Vick. Many people are crying that Vick has paid his debt to society with his jail time, and any further punishment is unecesarry and cruel. Vick should consider himself lucky the NFL has not banned him from the sport for good. Pete Rose gambles and is removed permanently from baseball. Vick commits a federal crime, but he deserves a second chance. He knew dogfighting was illegal, but continued to orchestrate fighting rings anyway. He was well aware of the consequences he might endure if caught. Playing football is not a right, but a privilege. Nothing's stopping him from getting a job somewhere else. He could work at McDonald's, get a job as a bank teller, or even (my personal favorite) become a mailman. The fact that Vick can come back to the game so many work so hard to play is evidence enough he was let off easy. He made his bed, and now he won't have to sleep in it.
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